#include "synth_engine.h" #include "lowpass.h" #include "filter.h" float adsr_amplitude(void *synthData, unsigned long long elapsed) { synth_t *synth = (synth_t*)synthData; float dAmplitude = 0.0; float dReleaseAmplitude = 0.0; float dStartAmplitude = 1.0; float dLifeTime = (elapsed * (1.0 / (float)SAMPLE_RATE)); if (synth->n.noteOn != 0 && synth->n.noteOff == 0) { if (dLifeTime <= synth->adsr.a) dAmplitude = (dLifeTime / synth->adsr.a)*(dLifeTime / synth->adsr.a) * dStartAmplitude; if (dLifeTime > synth->adsr.a && dLifeTime <= ( synth->adsr.a + synth->adsr.d)) dAmplitude = ((dLifeTime - synth->adsr.a) / synth->adsr.d) * (synth->adsr.s - dStartAmplitude) + dStartAmplitude; if (dLifeTime > (synth->adsr.a + synth->adsr.d)) dAmplitude = synth->adsr.s; } else { // Note is off if (dLifeTime <= synth->adsr.a) dReleaseAmplitude = (dLifeTime / synth->adsr.a)*(dLifeTime / synth->adsr.a) * dStartAmplitude; if (dLifeTime > synth->adsr.a && dLifeTime <= (synth->adsr.a + synth->adsr.d)) dReleaseAmplitude = ((dLifeTime - synth->adsr.a) / synth->adsr.d) * (synth->adsr.s - dStartAmplitude) + dStartAmplitude; if (dLifeTime > (synth->adsr.a + synth->adsr.d)) dReleaseAmplitude = synth->adsr.s; dAmplitude = (((synth->n.noteOn + dLifeTime) - synth->n.noteOff) / synth->adsr.r) * (0.0 - dReleaseAmplitude) + dReleaseAmplitude; if (synth->adsr.r < 0) { dAmplitude = synth->adsr.s; } } // Amplitude should not be negative if (dAmplitude <= 0.000) dAmplitude = 0.0; return dAmplitude; } float sin_sample(float amp, float freq, unsigned long long phase, unsigned int sample_rate) { return amp * sinf(2.0 * M_PI * freq * ((float)phase / (float)sample_rate)); } float saw_sample(float amp, float freq, unsigned long long phase, unsigned int sample_rate) { return amp * (0.17 * (1.0 - (2.0 * M_PI * freq * fmod((float)phase, (float)(sample_rate / (freq)))) / (float)sample_rate)); } float sawX_sample(float amp, float freq, float sm, unsigned long long phase, unsigned int sample_rate) { float dOutput = 0.0; for (float n = 1.0; n < sm; n++) dOutput += (sinf(n * 2.0 * M_PI * freq * ((float)phase / (float)sample_rate))) / n; return 0.5 * amp * dOutput; } float sqr_sample(float amp, float freq, float duty_cycle, unsigned long long phase, unsigned int sample_rate) { if (duty_cycle < 0.0001 || duty_cycle > 0.9999) { duty_cycle = 0.5; } return (fmod((float)phase / (float)sample_rate, 1.0 / freq) < duty_cycle * (1.0 / freq)) ? amp : -amp; } float gen0(float f, unsigned long long phase, float x, unsigned int sample_rate) { return sqr_sample(0.1, f, 0.3, phase, sample_rate) + sqr_sample(0.1, f * 3.0 / 2.0 , 0.5, phase, sample_rate) + saw_sample(0.3, f, phase, sample_rate) + sin_sample(0.1, f, phase, sample_rate) + sin_sample(0.1, f * 5, phase, sample_rate) /* + sin_sample(0.1, freq * 50 * 1021, phase, sample_rate) */ /* + sin_sample(0.1, freq * 50 * 3531021, phase, sample_rate) */ + sin_sample(0.1, f * 7, phase, sample_rate); } float gen1(float f, unsigned long long phase, float x, unsigned int sample_rate) { return sawX_sample(0.5, f, 5, phase, sample_rate) + saw_sample(0.3, 2 * f / 5, phase, sample_rate) + sin_sample(0.2, f * 5.0 / 7.0 , phase, sample_rate); } float gen2(float f, unsigned long long phase, float x, unsigned int sample_rate) { return sin_sample(0.5, f * sqrt(2) , phase, sample_rate) + sin_sample(0.5, f, phase, sample_rate); /* sawX_sample(1, synth->freq, 5, phase, sample_rate); */ } float gen3(float f, unsigned long long phase, float x, unsigned int sample_rate) { return sawX_sample(0.7, f, 5, phase, sample_rate) + sin_sample(0.3, 4.0/17.0*f, phase, sample_rate); /* return sawX_sample(0.5, f * (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, 5, phase, sample_rate) */ /* + sin_sample(0.3, f * x, phase, sample_rate) */ /* + sqr_sample(0.2, f * x, 0.2 * x * x, phase, sample_rate); */ } /* 1d convolution */ void convole(float *signal, float *filter, size_t signal_size, size_t filter_size, float *out) { for (size_t i = 0; i < filter_size + signal_size; i++) { size_t kmin, kmax, k; out[i] = 0; /* find overlap */ kmin = (i >= filter_size - 1) ? i - (filter_size - 1) : 0; kmax = (i < signal_size - 1) ? i : signal_size - 1; /* Add the overlaping values */ for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k++) { out[i] += signal[k] * filter[i - k]; } } } void low_pass_filter(float* signal, int length, float cutoff, float resonance, float* out) { float c = 1.0f / tanf(M_PI * cutoff); // calculate filter constant float a1 = 1.0f / (1.0f + resonance * c + c * c); // calculate filter coefficients float a2 = 2.0f * a1; float a3 = a1; float b1 = 2.0f * (1.0f - c * c) * a1; float b2 = (1.0f - resonance * c + c * c) * a1; float prev_input = 0.0f, prev_output = 0.0f; // initialize previous input and output to zero for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { float input = signal[i]; float output = a1 * input + a2 * prev_input + a3 * prev_output - (i >= 1 ? b1 * out[i-1] : 0.0f) - (i >= 2 ? b2 * out[i-2] : 0.0f); out[i] = output; prev_input = input; prev_output = output; } } float make_sample(unsigned long long phase, void *synthData, unsigned int sample_rate, int viz) { synth_t *synth = (synth_t*)synthData; float sample = 0; int n = 1; if (1 /* !synth->filter */) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sample += (1.0 / n) * synth->gen[synth->geni](synth->n.freq + synth->freq_offset, phase, synth->x, sample_rate); } if (!viz && synth->filter) { // ALLL THE FILTERS LowPass_Update(synth->resonance, (adsr_amplitude(synth, synth->adsr.elapsed) + 0.1) * synth->cutoff + 1, sample_rate); sample = LowPass_Filter(sample); update_bw_low_pass_filter(synth->fff, SAMPLE_RATE, (adsr_amplitude(synth, synth->adsr.elapsed) + 0.1) * synth->cutoff, synth->resonance); sample = bw_low_pass(synth->fff, sample); } sample = synth->gain * adsr_amplitude(synth, synth->adsr.elapsed) * sample; //synth->gen[synth->geni](synth->n.freq + synth->freq_offset, phase, synth->x); if (synth->clamp && sample >= 1) sample = 0.99; if (synth->clamp && sample <= -1) sample = -0.99; } else { // get sample array s[] int samples = 30; float s[samples]; if (synth->adsr.elapsed < samples) { for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { s[i] = synth->gain * adsr_amplitude(synth, i) * synth->gen[synth->geni](synth->n.freq + synth->freq_offset, i, synth->x, sample_rate); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { s[i] = synth->gain * adsr_amplitude(synth, synth->adsr.elapsed - 50 + i) * synth->gen[synth->geni](synth->n.freq + synth->freq_offset, phase - 50 + i, synth->x, sample_rate); } } // process s[] // return s[50] } return sample; } int sound_gen(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *synthData) { synth_t *synth = (synth_t*)synthData; float *out = (float*)outputBuffer; (void) timeInfo; /* Prevent unused variable warnings. */ (void) statusFlags; (void) inputBuffer; if (1) { float s; for( unsigned long i=0; in.elapsed, synth, SAMPLE_RATE, 0); *out++ = s; *out++ = s; synth->adsr.elapsed++; synth->n.elapsed++; if (!synth->multi) { if (synth->n.elapsed >= (1.0 / synth->n.freq) * SAMPLE_RATE) synth->n.elapsed = 0; } else { } } } else { float s[FRAMES_PER_BUFFER * 5]; if (synth->adsr.elapsed < framesPerBuffer * 5) { for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer * 5; i++) { s[i] = make_sample(i, synth, SAMPLE_RATE, 0); synth->adsr.elapsed++; synth->n.elapsed++; if (!synth->multi) { if (synth->n.elapsed >= (1.0 / synth->n.freq) * SAMPLE_RATE) synth->n.elapsed = 0; } else { } } } else { for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer * 5; i++) { s[i] = make_sample(synth->n.elapsed - framesPerBuffer * 2 + i, synth, SAMPLE_RATE, 0); synth->adsr.elapsed++; synth->n.elapsed++; if (!synth->multi) { if (synth->n.elapsed >= (1.0 / synth->n.freq) * SAMPLE_RATE) synth->n.elapsed = 0; } else { } } } // filter // output if (synth->adsr.elapsed < framesPerBuffer * 5) { for( unsigned long i=0; iadsr.elapsed-= 4*framesPerBuffer; if (!synth->multi) { for (int i = 0; i < framesPerBuffer * 4; i++) { synth->n.elapsed--; if (synth->n.elapsed == 0) synth->n.elapsed = (int)(SAMPLE_RATE / synth->n.freq); } } else { synth->n.elapsed-= 4*framesPerBuffer; } } return paContinue; } void init_synth(synth_t * synth) { synth->freq_offset = 0; synth->gain = 1; synth->x = 1; synth->n.freq = 0; synth->n.noteOn = 0; synth->n.noteOff = 1; synth->n.key = 0; synth->n.elapsed = 0; synth->adsr.a = 0.001; synth->adsr.d = 0.3; synth->adsr.s = 0.7; synth->adsr.r = 0.4; synth->adsr.elapsed = 0; synth->octave = 3; synth->multi = 0; synth->filter = 0; synth->cutoff = 22000.0f; synth->resonance = 1.0f; synth->clamp = 0; synth->gen[0] = gen0; synth->gen[1] = gen1; synth->gen[2] = gen2; synth->gen[3] = gen3; synth->geni = 0; synth->viz.sample_rate_divider = 1; LowPass_Init(); synth->fff = create_bw_low_pass_filter(2, SAMPLE_RATE, 400); }