#include "adsr.h" #include "synth_engine.h" #include "synth_math.h" float adsr_amplitude(adsr_t *adsr, float noteOn, float noteOff, unsigned long long elapsed) { float mod = 0.0; float release_amplitude = 0.0; float lifetime = elapsed / (float)SAMPLE_RATE; //float time_active = (noteOn + lifetime) - noteOff; float time_active = noteOn - noteOff + lifetime; if (noteOn != 0 && noteOff == 0) { if (lifetime < adsr->a) mod = (lifetime / adsr->a)*(lifetime / adsr->a) * adsr->peak; if (lifetime >= adsr->a && lifetime <= ( adsr->a + adsr->d)) mod = ((lifetime - adsr->a) / adsr->d) * (adsr->s - adsr->peak) + adsr->peak; if (lifetime > (adsr->a + adsr->d)) mod = adsr->s; } else { // Note is off if (lifetime < adsr->a) release_amplitude = (lifetime / adsr->a)*(lifetime / adsr->a) * adsr->peak; if (lifetime >= adsr->a && lifetime <= (adsr->a + adsr->d)) release_amplitude = ((lifetime - adsr->a) / adsr->d) * (adsr->s - adsr->peak) + adsr->peak; if (lifetime > (adsr->a + adsr->d)) release_amplitude = adsr->s; mod = (time_active / adsr->r) * (0.0 - release_amplitude) + release_amplitude; if (adsr->r < 0) { mod = adsr->s; } } // Amplitude should not be negative if (mod <= 0.000) mod = 0.0; return clamp(mod, -1, 1); } float fix_adsr(adsr_t *adsr, float noteOn, float noteOff, unsigned long long elapsed, unsigned long long noteOffSample) { // convert to samples unsigned long long attack = adsr->a * SAMPLE_RATE + 1; unsigned long long decay = adsr->d * SAMPLE_RATE + 1; //unsigned long long sustain = adsr->s * SAMPLE_RATE + 1; unsigned long long release = adsr->r * SAMPLE_RATE + 1; float mod = 0.0f; // if note is pressed if (noteOn != 0 && noteOff == 0) { if (elapsed < attack) { // we are in the attack phase mod = ((float)elapsed / attack) * adsr->peak; } else if (/* elapsed >= attack && */ elapsed < attack + decay) { // we are in the decay phase mod = ((float)(elapsed - attack) / decay) * (adsr->s - adsr->peak) + adsr->peak; } else {// sustain mod = adsr->s; } } else { // note is not pressed if (elapsed < noteOffSample + release) { // we are on the release // reuse previous block to find starting value if (noteOffSample < attack) { mod = ((float)noteOffSample / attack) * adsr->peak; } else if (/* elapsed >= attack && */ noteOffSample < attack + decay) { mod = ((float)(noteOffSample - attack) / decay) * (adsr->s - adsr->peak) + adsr->peak; } else { mod = adsr->s; } mod = (0 - mod) / (float)release * (elapsed - noteOffSample) + mod; } //printf("el: %ld, att: %ld MOD: %f, on %f, off %f\n", elapsed, attack, mod, noteOn, noteOff); } return mod; }