/* actionhelper.c - helper functions for ck actions --------------------*- C -*- * * This file is part of ck, the config keeper * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2018 Anastasis Grammenos * GPLv3 (see LICENCE for the full notice) * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "actionhelper.h" char add_err[STR_M] = ""; int add_err_message(char *err) { if (!str_is_empty(add_err)) { if (err) { strcpy(err, add_err); } return 1; } return 0; } int copy_config(char *path); void link_config(const AddOpt *opt, const char* newPath) { printf("Linking %s -> %s\n", newPath, opt->confPath); if (util_symlink_file(newPath, opt->confPath) != 0) { strcpy(add_err, "Could not link file."); } } void move_config(const AddOpt *opt, const Conf *conf, char *ret) { char newName[STR_M]; str_make_ck_config_name(newName, opt->confPath, opt->progName); char newPath[STR_L]; str_join_dirname_with_basename(newPath, opt->secret ? conf->SCRT_dir : conf->VC_dir, newName); printf("Moving %s -> %s\n", opt->confPath, newPath); strcpy(ret, newPath); if (util_move_file(opt->confPath, newPath) != 0) { strcpy(add_err, "Could not move file."); } } AddOpt add_make_options(cklist *args) { list_rewind(args); /* since we are here, the first two argumens must exist */ AddOpt addOpt = { .progName = list_get(args), .secret = 0, .prime = 0, .err = ADD_NO_ERR }; list_next(args); if (!util_is_file_rw(list_get(args))) { addOpt.err = ADD_ERR_WRONG_CONFIG; return addOpt; } realpath(list_get(args), addOpt.confPath); while (list_next(args)) { if (strcmp(list_get(args), "-s") == 0 && addOpt.secret == 0) { addOpt.secret = 1; } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "-p") == 0 && addOpt.prime == 0) { addOpt.prime = 1; } else { addOpt.err = ADD_ERR_WRONG_FLAGS; return addOpt; } } list_rewind(args); return addOpt; } void add_print_opts(AddOpt *opt) { printf("Program:\t%s\nConfig:\t\t%s\n", opt->progName, opt->confPath); if (opt->prime && opt->secret) { printf("Options:\tsecret, primary\n"); } else if (opt->prime) { printf("Options:\tprimary\n"); } else if (opt->secret) { printf("Options:\tsecret\n"); } } void add_make_link(const AddOpt *opt, const Conf *conf) { char newPath[STR_L]; move_config(opt, conf, newPath); if (add_err_message(NULL)) { return; } link_config(opt, newPath); if (add_err_message(NULL)) { return; } } edit_rc edit_get_config_or_suggestions(cklist *args, char *ret) { UNUSED(args); UNUSED(ret); return ERC_ERR; } ListOpt list_make_options(cklist *args) { list_rewind(args); ListOpt listOpt = { ._lt = LT_NONE, ._lst = LST_PLAIN, .err = 0 }; if (list_size(args)) { do { if (strcmp(list_get(args), "-t") == 0) { if (!list_next(args)) { listOpt.err = 1; break; } if (strcmp(list_get(args), "plain") == 0) { listOpt._lst = LST_PLAIN; } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "lisp") == 0) { listOpt._lst = LST_LISP; } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "python") == 0) { listOpt._lst = LST_PYTHON; } else { listOpt.err = 1; } } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "paths") == 0) { listOpt._lt = LT_PATH; } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "programs") == 0) { listOpt._lt = LT_PROGRAM; } else if (strcmp(list_get(args), "tree") == 0) { listOpt._lt = LT_TREE; } else { listOpt.err = 1; } } while(list_next(args)); } list_rewind(args); return listOpt; } /*****************/ /* PRINT RESULTS */ /*****************/ void print_INIT_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("Initialized empty ckdb.\n"); } } void print_ADD_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("ckdb updated succesfully.\n"); return; } printf("Could not complete add transaction.\n"); } void print_DEL_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("succes\n"); return; } printf("Not Supported\n"); } void print_EDIT_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("succes\n"); return; } printf("failure\n"); } void print_LIST_result(int ok) { if (ok) { return; } printf("Wrong list arguments\n"); } void print_SEARCH_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("succes\n"); return; } printf("Not Supported\n"); } void print_HELP_result(int ok) { if (ok) { printf("succes\n"); return; } printf("failure\n"); }